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Alinta Sales Tool

Project Brief

For Alinta and Partner Sales Agents, the Sales Tool provides a reliable, user-friendly method to complete a customer sale and manage sales commissions. Unlike Prospecting, it will be secure, efficient and accurate resulting in more clean validated sales and, enable greater and accurate customer data collection, reducing future billing issues and improving customer experience.

Key Stakeholders

SME Sales Manager, General Manager Sales and Marketing, Legals & Reg's, Digital Product Owner

Research & Process

Developing the Sales tool Personas; I conducted online surveys and one on one interviews with Sales Agent Admins, Sales Agents, Sales Operations inbound & outbound, Kiosk sales teams and third-party sales agents. My resulting Personas represent data & insights I collected from my research.

Joan Holloway User Testing (DOCX 16 KB)


Personas are how product designers understand their target users and what they need and want to do with your product / tool / software. User personas help a product team find the answer to one of their most important questions, “Who are we designing for?” By understanding the expectations, concerns, and motivations of target users, it's possible to design a product that will satisfy users' needs and therefore be successful.

The 5 personas represent all the goals, needs and requirements of the following users: Alinta Employees; Sales Agent Admins, Sales Agents, Sales Operations, Product/Marketing (content management), 3rd Party Sales Channels; Sales Agent Admin, Sales Agents, off-shore & on-shore Sales Agents and Comparator providers.

Peggy Olson, third party sales channel admin
Peggy Olson, Admin

Third party sales channel admin & Don's boss

Peggy's goal is to improve her teams performance

Peggy is the person who creates and manages user accounts and generates reports on behalf of her third party sales channel.

She is the main contact for technical support.

Don Draper, third party sales agent
Don Draper, Sales Agent

Don's goal is to beat his sales targets

Don is the facilitator, he facilitates sales on behalf of a third party sales channel.

He is one of the many well performing agents supported by Peggy Olson.

As long as Don can close sales, how he does it is his own business.

Roger Sterling, Alinta sales channel admin
Roger Sterling, Channel Admin

Alinta sales channel admin

Roger's goals are a smoother onboarding process. Roger is the senior resource of the new Alinta sales tool.

The channels he manages are unique and all have specific requirementsand structures: tele sales, door to door, lead generated, online sales.

Roger is the glue that keeps sales teams running.

Alinta onshore and offshore Sales agent user journey, pdf. opens in a new window
Joan Holloway, Alinta Energy sales agent

Joan's idea of a great day at work is to meet her KPI's.

Joan is an onshore and an offshore sales agent.

Joan signs up new customers and add on sells to existing Alinta Energy customers.

She's getting her head around everything but doesn't deal directly with any Alinta sales team staff.

Bertram Persona
Bertram Cooper, Alinta Energy Sales Manager

Bertram is the main man for driving sales and doesn't deal with any of the technical details.

Bertram creates and builds the relationships with the third party channels and agents. He also manages & monitors the performance of sales partners.

His goals are to make more sales, less churn.

He just wants something that's easy.

Persona session feedback from stakeholders

User Flows

User journey map

Low fidelity prototyping

Lo-fi Joan Internal Sales Agent

I created 2 prototypes of the entire sales tool, experimenting with different layouts and sequences tasks required, for example, do Sales Agents want the ability to energise multiple properties via a quick add tab on their sales form sign up page, and have all the customers personal details retained from their initial sale, or would they prefer to connect another property for a customer from scratch? This balance between quick sales vs configurability was one of the many things tested in usability testing.

Lo-fi Don Third Party Sales Agent

DLS Components

DLS Components used in the Sales Tool