strangestplace is undergoing a visual refresh & content update. Last updated, 08/12/22.

Alinta Energy transformation


Audit & refresh site content, re-architect AE, optimise user journeys, improve brand consistency between pages. Lead site design with Mobile - simple, intuitive. Improve mobile site responsiveness and UX. Customer focused content with retail tone.


As part of Alinta Energy's long term Digital Roadmap, the Alinta Energy website was identified as one of the key work streams. The website was well below industry benchmark standards - which had a direct impact on the brand, customer experience & satisfaction, acquisition & retention. With the changing competitive market environment and set business strategic goals a review/audit and update of the Alinta Energy main website was recommended of the broader Digital Roadmap was prioritised.


Old Alinta Energy homepage


New Alinta Energy homepage


The fluid grid consists of 12 columns and can be nested. The maximum width is determined for each project. On very large screens, the content is centred.

Low Fidelity Wireframe

The first goal was drive more online sign ups. This would be the primary call to action, featured at the top of the home page over the hero image. The second goal was to engage users by showing them various services & activities available to them online. The third goal was to highlight the Customer Rewards Programs, Alinta's business energy plans and renewable energy projects this would feature at the start of the body of the page, in the first & second fold on desktops.

Low Fidelity wireframes

Design Patterns

Isobar created an extensive DLS. Here's a snapshop of some of those design components.

Design Patterns

Developing personas

Isobar provided us with a set of 8 proto-personas. We used some of these along with the AST proto-personas and some insights from the usability testing I had done with U1. These quirky proto-personas are the result. We used them to ensure our teams solution would cater to all Alinta Customer needs.

Developing personas

High Level User Flow, Existing Customer

An Interim Solution was investigated, designed and developed to allow Alinta customers to manage their energy accounts without using myaccount. The solution never went live. Myaccount is now live.

high level concession update flow diagram

Online Sign Up / Sales Funnel / Manage

High Fidelity Mockup, Online Sign Up, Move home, Add Fuel, Disconnect, Update Concession & Change Plan
  • Existing customer, MIMO

    Existing customer, Verify your account
  • Step 1 Your connection

    Existing customer, Step 1 Your connection
  • Step 2, Your disconnection, no

    Step 2, Your disconnection, no
  • Step 2, Your disconnection, yes

    Step 2, Your disconnection, yes
  • Step 3, Your details

    Step 3, Your details
  • Step 4, Your concessions

    Step 4, Your concessions
  • Existing customer, change plan

    Existing customer, Step 1 Change plan
  • Existing customer, Your details

    Existing customer, Step 3 Your details