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Fast Connect, New Zealand

Family owned and run Comparator Service


Fast Connect, New Zealand is a family owned and operated comparison service. They work with major suppliers of electricity, broadband, gas, Sky and phone, which gives them immediate access to information such as prices, promotions and availability. Their service offering is to provide New Zealanders with the options that suit them best.


Design two Landing pages, Power & Broadband for Fastconnect New Zealand to drive more traffic to the Fastconnect comparison portal. I worked with a UX writer who provided me with the page file names, page titles, page headings and body content including image names, alt text and title text for images and inline links. For example we used the term 'compare power companies' instead of 'compare electricity companies'. New Zealanders use the term 'power companies' far more than Australians, Aussies use the term electricity. Making the pages accessible wasn't a deliverable, but accessibility plays a large role in how google indexes your website.


The final solution to this SEO UI project redesign is two well structured web pages, that utilises layout, hierarchy, and accessibility compliance. As a result the SEO went from 81 to 92.

The Final Product

Two optimized landing pages. Utilising VERY simple page layout, Optimizing Headlines, Lightning-Fast Page Speed, Incentivize Click-Throughs, Mobile-Friendly.

The landing pages on desktop and mobile

The Live Landing Pages

Compare Broadband Deals | Compare Power Companies

Fast Connect SEO Audit results

SEO lighthouse audit