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Kiosk Sales Agent App

How might we design a digital sales tool to replace the paper sign up process being used by Kiosk Sales Agents and Door to Door Sales Agents

See the prototype in action?

Project Goal.

Product vision: For Alinta and Partner Sales Agents, the Kiosk Sales Tool provides a reliable, user-friendly method to complete a customer sale and manage sales commissions. Unlike Prospecting, and the manual sign up function the Kiosk sales tool will be secure, efficient and accurate resulting in more clean legitimate and validated sales, and enable greater and more accurate customer data collection, reducing future billing issues and improving customer experience.


One on one interviews were conducted with the stakeholders. What did they like about the current processes and tools and what didn't they like. I conducted interviews with a two of door to door sales reps, one member of a Kiosk sales teams, and a two call centre agents; inbound & outbound.


Personas are a guide to help make better design decisions.

Based on the information gathered in the research phase, the four Sales tool Personas were utilised to ensure my solution would cater to all the Kiosk Sales Agents needs.

Lo-fi wireframing.

I use Balsamiq for all my lo-fi wireframing it has very little distraction overhead - feedback is quick, and opportunities present themselves clearly. Tweaking and iterating is also faster. The lo-fidelity prototypes are shareable PDF files.

Example Kiosk Retrieval portal PDF

Kiosk was paired with the Product advice tool. This tool enables sales agents to search up postcodes to get the customers energy distributor and tariff and show them the best deals for their property. Kiosk Sales Agents require all the plans available to help them make a sale.

Development & Launch.

After designing, designing & re-designing some more i began collaborating with the Front-end and Back-end teams

Along with the BA's & Scrum Master I ran kick off sessions, I walked the back-end and front-end developers through my business approved hi-fi user journey.

T-shirt sizing sessions were held a day or two after my kick-offs. Stories were sized, big stories were split into smaller stories when required.

During Development phase I do daily five minute desk checks with the Developers.

Kiosk EIC Design Hand-off Prototype


At the end of each sprint showcase sessions were held. In the showcases the Developers are given the opportunity to show the wider business and the digital team their achievements throughout the project.

Myself and the Scrum master, tech leads, PO and BA's conducted Analysis sessions to disscuss in an open and safe forum things like

What were the blockers?

What went well?

What can we do better in the next sprint?

How are the end users responding?

Did we solve their issues, did we eliminate or add pain points?