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Buy a Ticket Journey Mapping

How might we design a uniformed ticket purchasing journey across all the Untitled Group products and services without dilluting or changing the Untitled Group creative & heavily stylised point of difference in the Festival and Events sector.

Client overview.

Untitled Group is Australia's largest independently-owned music and events company, renowned masterminds behind much-loved festivals Beyond The Valley, Pitch Music & Arts, Wildlands, Grapevine Gathering, For The Love and Ability Fest.

Project goal.

Create a unified future state journey/user flow across the entire Untitled group digital products and services without compromising their unique stylised look and feel.

Uplift the Untitled Group domains accessibility and SEO. Re-design the page layouts and content hierarchy. Create a standard template to be used by their external developers without breaking their stylised and uniquely creative brand design.

Buy a Ticket Current Journey Map

Current Journey Map User journey User journey